Reference: ONEWATCH

Freediving computer ONE

The Salvimar ONE Freediving Watch is a simple but high quality computer designed for the snorkeler.

Price $139.30
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Dive computers and watches

Freediving computer DRIVER
  • Freediving computer DRIVER

Freediving computer DRIVER

New wrist-mount computer for freediving
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New wrist-mount computer for freediving, able to constantly monitor performance, dive values, and recovery times. Extensive internal memory, with logbook downloadable to PC or Mac.Dive/ascent speeds, temperature, total dive time, and depth, all on the same screen.MSRT function (minimum surface recovery time) for the diver’s safety.Setting for fresh or salt water.Extensive logbook memory divided into sessions and individual dives.Download and synchronize using software for PC and Mac.User-replaceable battery.Illuminated and sound alarms can be deactivated.
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