Exodus Oxy Thermic Cutting Electrodes, 3/8”x18”
Exodus Oxy Thermic Cutting Electrodes, 3/8”x18”, box 50pcs
Exodus Oxy Thermic Cutting Electrodes, 3/8”x18”, box 50pcs
Reference: BR22PLUS
Broco, Inc., the world leader in underwater cutting and welding systems, introduces the next generation underwater cutting torch - the BR-22 PLUS!
Reference: BR20
The Broco BR-20 Welding Stinger is designed to hold the electrode at the optimum angle to the work piece delivering quality welds while reducing operator fatigue.
Exodus Oxy Thermic Cutting Electrodes deliver an outstanding performance in the most challenging situations. The balanced physical and metallurgical construction guarantees an effordless (re)ignition of the electrode.
Reference: BR22
The BR-22 Cutting Torch is ergonomically designed for diver comfort and reducing forearm fatigue.
With many non-structural repairs, the resulting underwater weld has greater freedom in terms of porosity, inclusions, integrity and appearance. To fill the gap between working to code and cost-effectiveness, Broco has leveraged its significant experience and knowledge in the underwater welding industry to design a quality electrode specifically for the cost-effective market. The result is the Broco UW-EZ-2 Easy Touch underwater welding rod, an inexpensive underwater welding electrode that delivers outstanding results. Broco UW-EZ-2 Easy Touch Underwater Welding Rods are easy to light, easy to use for commercial divers (controllable puddle with wavy ball appearance) and easy to clean. Like the Broco SofTouch Underwater Welding Rod, the BrocoUW-EZ-2 Easy Touch Underwater Welding Rods is a high deposition electrode in all positions.
The Broco EUW-EZ-2 Easy Touch Underwater Welding Rods offer users advantages over other cost-effective underwater welding rods that are more difficult to operate, harder to clean, and often need to be grounded and re-welded - all of which increase commercial divers' time on the bottom and increase operating costs.
Reference: UWCS1
Brand: Broco
Reference: BR20
Brand: Broco
Reference: EZ1
Brand: Broco
Reference: 525-411
Brand: Kirby Morgan
Reference: TA2238
Brand: Broco
Reference: 525-412
Brand: Kirby Morgan
Reference: BR22
Brand: Broco
Reference: FS4
Brand: Hydroweld
Reference: UW381850
Brand: Broco
Reference: 525-403
Brand: Kirby Morgan